
Sunday, July 1, 2012

52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown - "Anything Goes" & Merry Monday Challenge #26 {Come to Bethlehem}

Happy Sunday friends!  I could not be more excited to share some great news with you today...I responded to a design team call from Mynnette and Jacqueline at 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown and was selected to be a new member on their team starting next month!  This will be my first time as a DT member and I'm soooo excited and thrilled to have the opportunity to share my creations with you in this manner.  I hope I don't disappoint - gulp!  The challenge this week at 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown is "Anything Goes". This week I am just sharing with you - but next week I will start my term as a DT!! If you haven't checked us out - please do so - there's lots of great inspiration to been seen. 

My card is based on the sketch below from Lesley for the Merry Monday Challenge #26 (my other absolute favorite Christmas card challenge): 

I've had a super busy week and this is the first card I've made since Monday! I think I'm having withdrawals!!  We took a quick 3 day trip for some more college stuff - following a business trip that I made right before that - so it is no understatement when I tell you that my house is a disaster and I have a pile of laundry almost as tall a me to take care of today.  But, last night I figured that the house would still be a mess today and the laundry will patiently wait for me - so I ran up to my card room shortly after we got home and  put together this card (I'm truly obsessed, I know) :o) 

I decided to stay true to Lesley's sketch and made a quick CAS card  - but I did have to add just a bit of bling...
I fussed around with the background I wanted to use on this card and finally ended up with a retired DSP called "Merry Moments" from 2009.  I printed the image and sentiment from "Come to Bethlehem" using My Digital Studio - but this is also a current stamp set in the Stampin Up catalog.  With the exception of my shiny star to lead the three wise men, my card is monochromatic using Old Olive (one of my favorites for all occassions, but especially Christmas cards).

Thanks for stopping by to visit - I'm so glad that you did!  Hope you like this very Clean and Simple card today.  Gotta go - my son wants me to go climb a mountain with him (UGH!) - might be a good idea after all the restaurant food I've been eating these past couple of weeks.   Hugs!!  


  1. JUst Gorgeous. Fabulous colours and LOve this image.
    Congratulations on your DT post x

    1. Thanks Chrissy! I see that you have a new gig too so congrats to you :o) I'll have to check it out. Hugs.

  2. Amazing use of the sketch Danielle!

    1. Thanks so much Lesley - it was a great sketch :o)

  3. Very nice card, lots of great elements. Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday.

    1. Thank you Nina - I was glad I made the deadline as I love to play with Merry Monday :o)

  4. I understand your obsession and share it, Danielle! Glad you got to do a card cause this is beautiful! Glad you joined us at Merry Monday this week!

    1. It's so nice to know that others understand (and can appreciate) this crazy and wonderful crafting obsession we share :o) My husband tolerates it - but I know he cannot possible understand - LOL. Thanks for leaving me a note and a smile.

  5. Gorgeous Danielle, so glad you shared this with us at 52CCT - Jacqueline xx

  6. OMGoodness, I was thinking of making a card very much like this one for the same challenge! You've done a wonderful job! :)

    1. Hi Janet - I've had that same experience a time or two myself. All I can say is "wonderfully creative minds must think alike" :o) Thanks so much for leaving me a note.

  7. Danielle, congratulations on your DT spot. I can't wait to see what inspiration you come up with xx

    1. Thanks Kylie - as you probably know with your new challenge it's exciting and scary :o)

  8. Beautiful card, again Danielle!
    Louise x

  9. Oh wow! This is absolutely gorgeous. Love the striking image against the white. Congratulations on your DT post.

    1. Thank you Pat :o) Really looking forward to sharing each week as a DT! Hope you will continue to join us.

  10. Love this, Danielle! This is just so fabulous--and look at you going digital again?! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT! ;D

    1. LOL - I is handy sometimes to be sure and I'm trying to stretch myself to use it a bit more. Was wanting to participate in your recent digital freebie challenge but just didn't have enough time to work that in too. I really like your digi sentiments :o)

  11. A beautiful card summing up the real meaning of the season. Thank you so much for visiting my blog :) Good luck with your first DT card next week!

  12. Congrats on making the DT, Danielle! You do such lovely work! I almost bought this stamp set, but then I changed my mind. After seeing your card I could kick myself for not buying it. Oh well, maybe on my next order I'll get it.

    BTW- my daughter's name is Danielle too :)

    Looking forward to working with you and everyone else too!

    1. Thanks Patty and congrats to you as well - I was happy to see that you made it! I think we are going to have a lot of fun. I just hope that I can provide as much inspiration to others as I get from them as well :o)

  13. Hi Danielle, what a lovely card and a great take on the sketch you followed!
    Lovely monochromatic colour scheme, so glad to see another Old Olive lover - just as well SU! give us green In Colors to play with or nearly all my cards would have Olive on them!
    Looking forward to you being a 'teamie' at 52 CCT! Ruth x

    1. Thanks Ruth - I'm so excited to be part of this DT group - we are going to have lots of fun! I'm in awe of the number of participants we have this week and the wonderful array of creations - so cool!!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!