
Sunday, September 2, 2012

MOJO256, Color Throwdown (CTD207) and Divas by Design Challenge 50 - Let's Celebrate!

Hello friends - hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  I have been staining my backyard fence for two days - whoo hoo and sadly we are still only about a 1/3 of the way around (its a monster)!  I am breaking it into sections so that I don't go stark raving mad listening to my husband and son complain about how hot it is - ha ha!  Really I just would much rather be making cards than staining a monster-sized fence.  But I managed to take a break this evening and put this card together for my sweet Auntie Renie who's birthday is today (gonna go surprise her right after I post this).  Aunt Renie is a bright, colorful, super fun, giggly person.  She was brave enough to let me try to drive her Subaru (which was a stick shift) for the the first time when I was just learning to drive.  Oh my - it was an adventure and she never stopped laughing.  Here's just a snippet for you - we were on a very small incline right outside the McDonald's drive-thru... guess how many times I killed it?  If you guess correctly I might send you a prize- LOL. 

I used the MOJO Monday 256 Round or Square sketch for this card and combined it with the color challenge over at Color Throwdown #207.  It's been awhile since I've attempted one of these color challenges but these colors seemed to be ones that I thought my Aunt would like so thought I'd give it a go.  I'm also entering this in the Divas by Design Challenge 50 - Let's Celebrate! 

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me today - I'm sure glad that you did!  Gonna dash off for now so I can get this delivered.  Til next time - Hugs and Happy Crafting!


  1. this is darlin, so glad you played along with us at Mojo Monday!

    enjoy *~*

  2. Your card looks good enough to eat with the colours your have used. Your Aunty is going to love it!!

  3. Very cute! Thanks for joining us at the CTD this week. :)

  4. What a fun birthday card! Love the multicolored sentiment. Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown.

  5. Love the colours you have used on your card Danielle - it looks so bright and cheerful - Jacqueline xx

  6. Fabulous card, love the design...Thanks for playing at Divas this week.
    Wendy xx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!