
Monday, October 8, 2012

Try Stampin' on Tuesday -Challenge #86

Hello Dear Blog Friends!  This card represents something I know absolutely nothing about, but is on my bucket list - sewing!  To give you an example of my sewing ability, I got a D on a wrap around skirt in high school home economics (just that term along really dates me).  I can manage to sew a button on if needed, but it ain't pretty - lol!  When I saw the sketch this week though at Try Stampin' on Tuesday (Challenge #86) the first thing I thought of for the 3 strips on the sketch was a ruler or tape measure.  So I hunted around in my stamp stash to see what I could come up with to match that idea.  Here's the sketch that inspired by card:
I was trying to keep it as clean and simple as the sketch portrays but ending up adding more embellishments and layers - a slight interpretation, but still the main sketch is visible.  How do you like my faux stitching around the edge?  I have to laugh because it is very crooked - but that is exactly how my stitching looks when I try to do it in real life.  I already had the Thank You banner cut out from another project idea that went awry, so I thought I just add a fun pop of color by using it here.  I think I do like this card - it's definitely not perfect and breaks some of the rules of card making (it seems) but I think it has a fun, artsy-fartsy, eclectic feel to it - and that is very unlike me usually so I'm embracing it fully :o).  I love how this sketch inspired me and kind of took me in a new direction.  Hope you have enjoyed it too. Thanks so much for stopping by - til next time... Hugs and happy crafting!! 


  1. This is "SEW" perfect for our sketch this week! Thank you for playing along with us at Try Stampin On Tuesday!

  2. Kristen is right this card is SEW fantastic! Love your take on the sketch and I am with you in the no sewing skills-it's on my bucket list to learn:)

  3. Very creative way to use our sketch. Love the sewing theme. Thanks for playing at Try Stampin'.

  4. I am SEW sorry I missed this one, Danielle! It's gorgeous!!! Thanks for joining us at TSOT! :)


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!