
Monday, March 11, 2013

'ABC' Challenges - "Spring is in the Air"

Hello and Happy Monday everyone! Time for another great challenge over at 'ABC' Challenges. This week Lela has chosen a theme challenge for you to participate in - "Spring is in the Air".  We want to see your cards with things you might expect to see in the air - clouds, birds, balloons, butterflies, planes, sunshine, kites... you get the idea, I'm sure :o).  I chose butterflies and clouds as you can see.

My card is a CASE of a card by my amazingly crafty SU Upline Marlene (otherwise known as ET to me).  She came over one day to play and showed us her card and I just  had to make it.  Mine is nearly a copy really - but Marlene's butterfly was flying up instead of across the card and I added the pop of orange (my inside is a tad different as well). The gorgeous swallowtail butterfly is first stamped on newsprint DSP. Then I sponged yellow all over it - and added some orange touches as well.  I kind of wish I had embossed it - wouldn't that have looked stunning? The background is made with the new SU cloud embossing folder with whisper white ink sponged over it.  Last touch on the front was to snip out the butterfly and put in on top. To me it almost looks like it would if you glanced out your window just as a big butterfly paused on its way by. Lots more embossing is on the inside - take a look (this is the card open all the way):
Pretty cool - huh?! Thanks ET for the wonderful idea!  I hope that I've inspired some of you to play along with us this week over at  'ABC' Challenges.  The other lovely DT members have some beautiful cards to inspire you as well - so please go visit them too.

Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D

1 comment:

  1. i so love this butterfly and totally need to order it. thanks for sharing.


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