
Monday, April 22, 2013

ABC Challenges - Recycled, CCC34- Handmade flowers and C4C182 -Sketch Time

Hello dear friends and blog followers - Happy Monday!  Was your weekend as wild of a ride as mine was?  I'm telling you I just don't understand how the weekends go by so fast!   It's like someone has a "warp speed" button that gets pressed as a joke just to see if I can keep up - lol.  Anyway I was so exhausted Sunday that I was literally in SLO MO mode, the only thing I was able to manage was getting caught up on two of my DT cards for this week and one extra for fun.  So really no complaining - except that I realized quite late in the evening that I had neglected to do laundry and had nothing to wear for work today. Geeze I wish we could wear sweats to work - that would be awesome :o) 

So enough about my weekend... let's get on the reason for my card today.  The challenge this week at ABC Challenges is "Recycle" in honor of Earth Day today.  We want to see your cards using something you've recycled in some way on them.  The flower on my card is punched from a used (rinsed and dried) coffee filter.  Most of the color washed out with the rinsing of the filter but it still left a lovely aged look to it.  I used the Blossom and Small Scallop circle punches to make my layered flower.  I'm really pleased with how this flower turned out and can easily see myself saving more of my used coffee filters to make more (it doesn't even smell like coffee - although that wouldn't be so bad since I LOVE coffee). 

The rest of the DT over at ABC Challenges have come up with some amazing uses for other recycled products and materials - please pop on over and visit them to see what they've prepared for your inspiration.  Can't wait to see what you come up with this week - so go get craftin:! 

I'm also entering my card in Crazy 4 Challenges C4C182 - Sketch Time (see below) and Creative Card Crew CCC34 - Handmade Flowers. 
Thanks so much for stopping by - I'm sure glad that you did! Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Danille,
    I love your card. I love how you made your flower out of a coffee filter, very pretty. What die did you use?

    1. Thanks Rosie! I made the flower using the Blossom and the small scallop circle punches. There's about 4 layers of the blossom punched piece and two of the small scallop circle pieces.

  2. what a cute and creative flower with the coffee fliter nicely done.

  3. Beautifull papers and flower.
    Thank you for joining us at Creative Card Crew


  4. Wow what a cute card. Love your flower! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Creative Card Crew!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!