
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

ATS&M #42 - Make Your Mark

Hello friends and followers - so nice to have you visit me today.  Time for one of my favorite challenges at Addicted to Stamps and More - #42 - Make Your Mark.  I love this challenge because it gives me a chance to pull out my markers and color to my heart's content.  This week I used another darling digital image from Heather Ellis who is the sponsor for ATS&M this month.  We still have snow here in Montana so I decided to go with a very cheery color scheme to perk up my mood.  I've used some retired SU papers from my stash called Cheerful Treat (2011/2012) and a couple newer Sizzlit framelits die cuts (Labels) to make my card. The green cardstock is called Gumball Green - it's one of my favorite greens. 

I apologize for the rubbish photo this week - both my cameras ran out of charge at the same time (do you think I could find my charging cords - no!) and my phone just refused to take a decent pic until about the 10th try (this one is still a bit out of focus).  I know better than to wait until the last minute to get my cards done and the photos taken - but yet again here I was rushing at the last minute and swearing like a sailor (yes, I'm embarrassed to say that I do do that on occasion) as I was trying to figure out how to get my card in in time.  Does anyone have a magic PAUSE button that I can borrow for when life seems to be moving faster than I have the energy for?  If so... please let me know - I'll be indebted to you forever LOL.  Too much stuff that has to be done and not enough time for the fun stuff - like paper crafting and card making. What's up with that anyway??? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who suffers from this ailment :o)  Finish this sentence... "You know that you are obsessed with Papercrafting when..."  I could come up with a whole bunch of sentence enders - LOL.

Ok, so let's get back to the challenge at hand before I drive you bonkers with my complaining.  Won't you please pop on over and see the fabulous creations the rest of the ATS&M design team has come up with for your delight and inspiration?  I hope your life isn't moving too fast to allow you to join us this week 'cause I can't wait to see what you make and share with us.  Til next time... hugs and happy crafting! D 


  1. Love your card, Danielle. You have used the sponsors image to perfection! Now, 'You know that you are obsessed with papercrafting when.... you would rather not eat?"

    I couldn't come up with anything funny, sorry ;)


    1. Hi Kylie - it is kind of funny when you think about it... and I can totally relate to your statement. I've gotten shaky from hunger but don't want to stop if I'm on a roll :o)

  2. Beautiful card, Danielle! I love the colors and those banners -pretty papers too! xx

  3. Such a cheery card Danielle, I love that image but my printer was playing up so I had to stamp!
    Love the leaf paper too:) Snow, poor you, it's lovely here at the moment but the weekend is supposed to be dire!
    Val x

  4. This is beautiful, Danielle, so sweet! Your papers are lovely and look great with the image and diecuts. The last time we had snow here in UK was about 3 weeks ago, it's been quite warm and sunny the last couple of days but supposed to get colder again by the weekend. Sue x

  5. Great colouring Danielle and love the papers you have used. I know I am obsessed with papercrafting when hubby arrives home expecting dinner and I am covered in ink and knee high in card stash, not funny but true!!

    1. Ha Sandie - I can't tell you how many weekends we have had cereal for dinner :o) My husband is quite tolerant and patient of my obsession. Hugs D

  6. Beautiful card and papers. Very bright and cheerful. Caz Fellow DT member

  7. Sweet card Danielle. Love those polka-dot papers ... so fun and cheerful :) Such an adorable image and love your coloring. I agree with you ... Gumball Green has become one of my favorite greens too! I know I'm obsessed with papercrafting when I go in my studio in the morning for "just an hour" and then come out when it's dark outside :) It's happened to me more than you can imagine!! :) Loll xx

    1. yep Loll - I can relate to that one too. We are all in good company aren't we :o) Hugs D

  8. Adorable card Danielle. Beautifully made. I haven't got a printer so I can't use these images :( Wish I could as they are so adorable. If someone does let you know about the life pause button would you let me know!! LOL!
    Take care,
    Florence x

  9. I love that background banner Danielle! Cute banners too. :)


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!