
Friday, May 17, 2013

52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown - Theme Challenge #17 {Sweet Treats/Holiday Goodies}

Hello friends and followers - happy weekend to you.  The challenge this week at 52CCT is to make a Christmas card that has Christmas goodies/treats depicted on it somewhere.  My favorite Christmas goody is homemade frosted sugar cookies - yum!  My kids and I usually make an enormous batch to share with our family and friends.  I must admit that ours don't usually end up that pretty but they sure are tasty. Here's my card to share with you this week.
Doesn't the lace doily kind of remind you of when your Grandma would put out a plate of cookies on those big lace doilies on the table?  It sure reminds me of that, and I wasn't even going for that - I just thought it would look nice on the card.  I think it adds to the sweet feel of this card.

It's rainy and cold as I write this blog post but I'm actually very thankful for that as we have been so dry here lately.  The rain will really reduce the fire risk as summer approaches, as well as make everything greener.  Finally I am starting to see my flowering trees coming alive with bright fuschia blooms - just LOVE that.  Sadly I have lots of spring cleaning to do so probably won't get as much crafting done as I would like but it must be done as it has been driving me crazy for a couple weeks now (the old "someone's gotta do it" and I guess its gotta be me).  Maybe if it stays rainy all weekend I can take one day to clean up/organize/etc. and the second day to make some more cards - crossing my fingers :o)

Sure hope you will find time in your week to play along with us at 52CCT!  We really enjoyed your submissions from last week's challenge (Red and White) so I'm sure you've got lots of good stuff to share with us this week for the theme challenge as well.  The rest of the DT members have made some awesome cards to share with you as well, please go check them out too.  Til next time... hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Well done on making a start on the Christmas cards. Lovely work, Jx

  2. I do like your plate of frosted Christmas cookies - they look delicious! I love the doily decoration - I remember them on plates of cakes and cookies - we don't do that much any more! Such a pretty card!

  3. You are right about the doily, it's perfect for this theme and gives a lovely light sugary dusting effect to your card!Those cookies look so yummy!

    Louise xx

  4. Hi Danielle, I love those Christmas cookies! The doily was the perfect added touch. Great card!

  5. A lovey plate of goodies Danielle - love the doily. Hope you don't spend too much time spring cleaning and that you get some time to craft! - Jacqueline xx

  6. Hey, Danielle! LOVE the doily as a frame for your cookies!!! They look amazing and I adore the fabulous coloring! We've been doing a bunch of cleaning today, as well. I HATE it, but it feels so good to get it done and have a mostly clean house, you know? HUGS and have a great weekend! :)

  7. Your Christmas cookies look good enough to eat! I love the added touch of the doily. Thanks for the fond memories! Does anyone still use doilies on serving plates any more? :)

  8. The plate of cookies placed on a doily is such a great idea, it does look like a tablecloth! Sweet!

  9. This is a SWEET card for the challenge. Wonderful image, wonderful colouring and I really REALLY like the doily. Well done!
    Cheers, Karen

  10. Hello Danielle, we both thought of doilies to go with our sweet treats on our cards! Well, I just adore your plate of Christmas cookies - no prizes for guessing which one I'd reach out for! I love your sweet and seasonal card! {{{{hugs}}}} Ruth x


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!