
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Addicted to Stamps and More! Challenge #56 "Anything Goes"

Hello friends and followers, hope that all is well with you.  I have a question for you..."How did it get to be the last week of July already?"  Soon our summer flowers will be fading and the fall will be upon us.  My how time flies - especially as you get older!

The theme this week at Addicted to Stamps and More! is the ever popular "Anything Goes".  That's right - anything! Any color, any style, any shape, 3D projects, any theme - you get it "Anything Goes" :o). 

My card this week is made using a sweet little image by Mo Manning called "Ben". Looks like Ben likes summer as much as I do.  This image reminds me of my own son when he was about 3 and wanted to help me with the flowers.  One time he "helped" me pull up my seedlings because they looked like they needed to breathe. LOL it wasn't as funny to me then as the memory of it is now :o)

Well... gotta get going for  now.. I sure hope that you will decide to play along with us this week at AST&M Challenge #56 - Anything Goes.  The rest of the fabulous DT has made some great projects to share with and inspire you.  Please go visit them and say "hi". 

Thanks so much for stopping by today to visit me - I'm sure glad that you did. Til next time...hugs and happy crafting. D


  1. So cute, I love Mo's images! Funny story too. :) Hugs!

  2. I know, August tomorrow! And this is a perfect Summer card. I love this sweet little image and fab colouring x

  3. I've got 4 nephews and no nieces, so I'm always on the lookout for cute boy images for the younger ones and some cool ones for the older. This one definitely falls into the first category. A nice clean design and beautiful coloring!

  4. Hi Danielle. Love your card. The image is really cute and the sentiment just perfect. Hugs Monika xxx

  5. Very cute. I like the image and colours. I love stories like your sons. Once when my sons was about 3 or 4 we found snails on all the chairs, he had brought them in for a rest.

  6. Hi, Danielle! So glad I stopped by to enjoy your adorable card - sweet as can be! Danielle, you are the winner of my Christmas blog candy. Check it out!
    Don't forget to send me your mailing address!

  7. Hi D, Oh my!! this is sooooooo adorable!!!! Lovely post. Really enjoyed reading it.
    Hugs, Flo xx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!