
Sunday, October 6, 2013

FMS#106 and Mo's DP2 Challenge {H is for ...} - and Hello Sarah

Hello!  Took a little time this weekend to make some Halloween cards for my kids, nieces, nephews and a few other special friends. I'm entering this card in two terrific challenges:
Mo Manning's Digital Challenge - " H is for..." using a Mo's image
Freshly Made Sketches 106 (I flipped the sketch for my card and made it square):
This card is for my son who will be 20 next month.  I thought it was a great image for him as he often has his phone in his hand too. Not that long ago he said to me "Mom, I think your generation has a lot more friends and communicates better than ours."   I asked what he meant by that and he said "Well, think about it - you can't go anywhere and not run into someone you know.  You always stop and visit awhile before moving on."  He went on to say "my generation sees someone we know and we say 'hey' and just keep going.  Then we get out to the car or later at home send them a text to 'talk'."   Wow - what a revelation on his part really. I told him that it's a really wonderful treat to talk to your friends face-to-face :o). 

I do appreciate the ability that technology has given us to communicate and connect with friends from all around the world, even those we haven't yet met.  But there is still something really wonderful about actually having a face-to-face conversation.  As an example, Sarah Stone and I met and communicated as design team members for 52CCT (and briefly for ABC Challenges).  When she heard that I was going to be in Wisconsin recently she offered to drive a bit to come and meet me.  I was so excited to meet her and her beautiful family - and incredibly touched that she would do that. I may have never met her if it hadn't been for our blogging and challenge activities. Here's a photo of the two of us (isn't she lovely?):
 Thanks Sarah - you made a tough trip so much happier :o).  Hope we can meet again soon.

Well friends - time to close a rather lengthy post.  Thanks so much for coming but - I do appreciate it! Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Love the big guy! Such a fun Halloween card! Thanks for joining us at FMS!

  2. Cool design for a young man and such a great take on the sketch!

  3. Cool Halloween card, haven't seen this fun image for ages!
    Thank you so much for joining us at Mo's Digital Pencil!

    Hugs, Anja


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!