
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Super DAD! - MTTC Challenge #251 - DL card

Hello everyone! Are you as happy as I am that that it's the weekend?

Well it's time for a new challenge at My Time to Craft Challenges.  
We have gone to a fortnightly format for the summer to allow both us and you 
more time to get your crafty projects submitted while still enjoying the weather, 
vacations, yard work...etc. Believe it or not...I love to do yard work :o)

The MTTC Challenge #251 is "Make it a DL card.
I had no idea what a DL sized card was. 
So I went right out and googled it on
Hey, that's what I do when I need to help my kids with homework :o). 
For those of you who also don't know what a DL card is, it's long and skinny 
and the measurements are 4.4 x 8.8 inches (4 1/4 x 8 3/4).

Here's what I made for my kids to give my husband on Father's Day:
Digital Image "Super Birdbrain" - From the Heart

I got this awesome digital image by participating in the 
From the Heart Free Digi Monthly Challenges.
Each month you participate in the challenge, you get a FREE digital image
 to use for the next month's challenge.  This image is called "Super Birdbrain". 
I knew as soon as I saw it that it would be perfect for my husband's Father's Day card.
Not to worry - he won't see this before Sunday.  He's very supporting (tolerant)
of my card making obession - but doesn't follow my blog (shame on him - lol). 
I think I also need to make a different one for my own wonderful Super Dad.

I am entering my card in the following challenges:
City Crafter Challenge Blog Week #215 - It's for the Birds
From the Heart - June Digital Stamp of the Month Challenge
Papertake Weekly - For the Boys

My wonderfully talented DT pals over at MTTC have also made some jaw-dropping
beautiful creations to share with and inspire you to play along with us this fortnight
for MTTC Challenge #251 - Make it a DL.
Please go visit them and take a little "look-see" at what they've done.
Leave them a little love if you feel so inclined too :o)
I hope that you will decide to join us this week - I can't wait to see what you've made! 

Til next time friends and followers...hugs and happy crafting!


  1. Ahhh this is brilliant, the wee birdy makes me smile its so sweet, love the colours you went for too, Love Hazelx

  2. What a wonderful card for Father's day!! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!

  3. What a great male card! The background with stars goes so well with this cute image,and I love the rectangular shape of your card. So cool!
    I also wanted to let you know I've got candy on my blog if you're interested.

  4. It's wonderful card, just perfect for the Father's Day!

  5. Fabulous card! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talents with us at Papertake Weekly, and hope you join us again soon!
    hugs, Sharon

  6. Great card hun, I'm sure he loved it!
    Hugs Shell xx

  7. Great card for the challenge this week Danielle, such a cute image.

    Pat xx

  8. Adorable card!! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!

  9. This is very cute! Love the long shape and star print paper. Hope your DH loved it! Thanks for joining the stamp of the month challenge at FTHS!

  10. This has made me chuckle.. it's super cool! I love the starry backing paper too :)

  11. Super Birdbrain looks terrific on a DL card ... I didn't know what that was either except for (down low). lol Thanks for teaching me. Love the star print paper too! Thanks for joining us at FTH's SOTM challenge for June. Hope to see you again next month. :) Kelly (GDT)


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!