
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine

Hello dear friends!  Welcome to my newest follower Judith :o) 
So happy to have you along to share my crafty journey.  

I recently shared with you that I am now on the design team for Deedee's Digis.  
Today I have a card that I made using one of the Deedee's images called "Little Light".
You can find this awesome digital image and sentiments in the Deedee's Digital Store 
where it's currently a FREEBIE.  Yes, that's right I said FREEBIE - but only for awhile 
so don't delay in grabbing it. You will find it in the Newest Releases Section. 

My card today is made in memory of my beloved Grandma Hester 
who passed away recently (just a few days after she had her 98th birthday).  
Here's my card and my story about it is noted below:
Grandma Hester had a love for small children like no one else I've experienced in my life.  Even in her late 80's she could be seen crawling around on the floor with the toddlers.  She loved the Lord and was a faithful church goer.  Her very favorite song was "This Little Light of Mine".  She sang it to me and my sisters always when we were little (sometimes even after we were grown) and to our own children.  
Each and every week (at least once) she sang it to her Sunday school class. 

I nearly burst into tears when I saw this image and it's sentiments in Deedee's store because of the special meaning it has to me. It came out right after my Grandma passed away. As funny as this may seem it felt like a gift directly from the Lord to me.  I think the reality of losing her is just now hitting me and I miss her so very much more than words can express.  I was her very first Grand daughter and I believe that I held a very special place in her heart.  I know she did in mine.  
Thank you for letting me share my story and my card with you today! 

I am linking my card up atWord Art Wednesday - Challenge #137 (Scripture verse or uplifting sentiment) where Deedee's Digis is the sponsor of the challenge.

I am also entering my card in the following challenges:
Love to Create Challenge Blog Challenge #120 Anything Goes (my second entry)
Divas by Design - 3 or More Layers

We'd love for you to join us in Deedee's Digis Facebook group :o).
Thanks for stopping by to visit me today- I'm sure glad that you did! 
Til next time friends...hugs and happy crafting! D



  1. Aw, this is so sweet! I love all the little clouds and your gorgeous colour scheme. And what a touching tribute to your Grandma. Sounds like she was an amazing woman and it's wonderful to get a special message from her in this way.

  2. Danielle, that's just beautiful about your grandmother and I can see why this image holds so much meaning for you. I know she'd love your card and be so proud of all you've accomplished. Beautiful card!

  3. Cute card! lovely! Thanks for joining us at Love to Create this week! mo xxx

  4. Such a sweet glow bug! yes, let your light shine! Thank you for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!