
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I'm a Winner and Future Guest Designer for Bugaboo!!

Hello sweet followers and friends!
Tonight I have some really wonderful
crafty news to share with you.

Last week I participated in 
I made a card for each of the 7 days of challenges 
and found out to my great joy that I was 
the Grand Prize Winner of this event!
Whooo Hooo!! So happy!

Not only did I win some fabulous Bugaboo digital images
(7 digis a month for 6 months)
I also have the opportunity to be a guest designer 
for Bugaboo for a 3 month term (coming up in the near future).
I'm really over the moon excited!

Here are the cards I made for each of the challenges:
Day 1 -Sparkle and Shine

Day 2 - Sketch

Day 3 - Color Challenge

Day 4 - Recipe Challenge 
(1 of something, 2 of something, 3 of something)

Day 5 - Humorous Christmas Card

Day 6 - Christmas Critters

Day 7 - CAS

Thanks for stopping by to visit me today 
and help me celebrate this fun news!!
Hugs D


  1. Congratulations, Danielle, on your well deserved win! I was so happy for you when I saw the news over at Catch the Bug! I look forward to seeing all of your lovely Bugaboo creations!

  2. Big congrats! I won the first prize of the summer challenge and I can assure you you'll enjoy the guest designer term!!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!