
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sketch Saturday #357 - Little Claire {Best Mother Ever}

Happy Saturday friends!! 
Hope you've had a wonderful week and are 
ready to have a wonderful weekend as well.

I have four DT posts today to share with you.  
First up is the awesome new sketch at 

This week we are sponsored by the fabulous Little Claire!

Here's Sketch #357 (it's a goodie!)

Here's my card using one of the Little Claire's digital images
and some fun Doodlebug spring papers. 
I flipped sketch this time to create bit of a different look:

EEEkkk how cute - right?!  Tulips are my favorite flower
and who can resist a darling bunny?  Not me!
I hope my Mama will like it too :o)

I am entering this card in the following challenges:
The Corrosive Challenge Blog - Challenge #222 Floral Fantasy
Crafty Catz Challenge #275 - It's a Girl Thing
613 Avenue Create - Challenge #119 "Anything Goes" w/optional
Create Your Own Challenge using the grid below
(I chose square card, Mother's Day and wood shapes)

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me today!
I hope that you will decide to join us this week
for Sketch Saturday #357.
Please go see what the rest of my lovely teammates have made too.

Til next time... hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Your card is so sweet. The patterned papers are so appropriate for the bunny. I love the little wood hearts! Thank you for dropping by 613 Avenue Create.

  2. Cute card and image! Great papers, too! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Catz this week.

  3. Miss D
    The image is so cuuttee and I love the DP you have choosen that heart made by wood is great embelly..lovely DT how many DT are you Miss D...your coloring always so wonderfull...
    Thanks for your kind words...if you like to join my bday linky party..
    Just klick the grafik with my face n cards at left top side...CASE ing my sample card and I will be thrilled to see your adorable coloring card on my linky party..its open till end of may sweety...hugs...your teamie at Bugaboo..♡♡


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!