
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sketch Saturday #358

Hello sweet friends!
It's the last weekend of the month and the 
start of another great sketch challenge 
Our generous prize sponsor this week is none other
than our very own sweet Niki! 

Here is Sketch #358 
And here is my DT card using it

My baby girl turned 15 this week.  I can't believe
how fast time has gone by - seems like not that long ago
she was "still 5" (she really wanted to be 6).  Kinda makes me sad :o(  
This image by Mo Manning totally reminds me of her.
I often see her painting her nails in her jammies. 

I'd like to enter this in Mo's Digital Challenges #250 Anything goes
Brown Sugar Challenges - #143 - Anything Goes

The rest of the lovely and talented ladies at SKETCH SATURDAY have
made some jaw dropping creations for you to see - so please
go visit them and say "hi".  Hope to see your own gorgeous
creation in our gallery this week!! Til next time friends....
hugs and happy crafting!! D 


  1. This is so cute, Danielle!. How fun to have an image that reminds you of your daughter! I hope she has a wonderful birthday. Hugs, Cathyxx

  2. time goes by just too quickly but I am sure that she will love this card - thanks for joining us at ATSM this week

  3. Yes, they do grow up quickly! My niece is 'only' 5, but those five years have zoomed by! I can only imagine how quickly the rest will go; won't be long before she'll be painting her own nails! Your card is I know your daughter will adore, as do I. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous card in the ATSM gallery!

  4. Beautiful card, and such a great job with this image. Thanks for joining us this week at Brown Sugar Challenges. Karal DT

  5. Love your card layout. The designer papers goes perfect with the image. Thanks so much for joining us at Mo's Digital Stamp.


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!