
Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Time to Craft #293 - Wild Animals & Sketch Saturday #362 (Bugaboo sponsor)

Hello, hello, and a special hello to Trina!
Hope you are all doing well.
I am just recuperating from a nasty bug that pretty
much leveled me in bed for 2 days straight and another couple
days of recuperating.  It's been a long time since I've been that ill.
As a result, I'm a bit behind in my commenting, so please forgive me 
as I make my way around again and start getting caught up.
I was also scrambling a bit to get my DT cards done for 
today (it's amazing what the loss of 3-4 days can do to a person).

Fortunately I was able to combine two of my DT challenges today!
The first is for MY TIME to CRAFT #293 - Wild Animals 
and the second is for SKETCH SATURDAY #362 
where we have a fabulous sponsor Bugaboo.

I'm lucky to be a guest designer for Bugaboo through July
so I was delighted to be able to showcase one of the darling 
mini sets called "Tall Jungle Blocks" for the wild animals theme. 

Here's the fabulous sketch that I used

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
Tip Top Tuesday - Animal Challenge
Crafting from the Heart - Challenge #60 "anything goes"
Creative Knockouts  #90 - Sentimentally Yours

I hope you will decide to join us this week at both MTTC#293
and Catch the Bug Challenges and maybe add
a couple other fun challenges too (as I did).

Hope your Memorial Day weekend is wonderful - and Safe!!
Til next time... hugs and happy crafting! D  


  1. This is one if my favorite sets, I've played with these images a couple of times, but I've never used more than one image at a time. This sketch is perfect for these images. Cute!

  2. These animals are absolutely adorable - brings a big smile to your face!

  3. Fabulous creation hun, just love that sketch (might have to have a play with that one) those beasties are great & as Ann says make you smile

    Have a great Sunday
    Hugs Shell xx

  4. ahhhh love your take on the sketch awesome!

    Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Top Tip Tuesday. Hope you will join us next time DT Crafting Vicky.

  5. Gorgeous card Danielle, great design and super images.

    Pat xx

  6. wow what a great take on the sketch and I love your jungle animals - so cool. Annie xxx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!