
Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Time to Craft #305 - Alice in Wonderland

Hello sweet crafting friends!
Here it is the last weekend of September already - my how time flies!
I'm really relishing the fall weather - my favorite time of year. 

The challenge this next two weeks at MY TIME TO CRAFT
is Inspired by Alice in Wonderland.  
My card today features that little white rabbit that is always
running around saying 'I'm late...I'm late!"  My friends and
family know that I can definitely identify with that statement - LOL!

I kept it pretty simple this week and didn't add any embellishments
as I really was late in getting my card done this week.  Let's just
say it was one of the craziest weeks I've had in a while and I 
am totally exhausted!  Thankfully with such a darling image 
(from Bugaboo Stamps) and a great sketch (from MOJO Monday #418)
it's easy to get it together rather quickly.  

I'd also like to enter this in 

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me today.  
I hope that you will go see what the rest of my lovely teamies
have made for your inspiration too!  Would love to see your 
own creation in our gallery this time too! 
Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Super cute image! Love the colors and what a great take on the sketch! xx

  2. So cute, Danielle - love the stitching!

  3. oh my Danielle this is just uber cool - I love it. Annie xx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!