
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sketch Saturday #402 - Kenny K Sponsor "Color me Janette"

Hello crafty friends and followers!
It's time for a new challenge at 
and our fabulous sponsor is 

This week the prize from Kenny is the winner's choice of 3 digi stamps.
How awesome! 

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much
for the past couple months.  I had asked for some time off
due to a crazy life and some catch up I needed to do 
both work and personal related.  My mojo had tanked 
and I felt so far behind I could see my own behind LOL.

Anyhoo...thanks to my lovely DT mates at 
SKETCH SATURDAY  for covering for me and
allowing me the time I needed to recoup and take
care of business.  I'm excited to be back today 
sharing a card I made for the newest sketch  
using a digi that I got as an exclusive freebie on 
the Kenny K facebook group called "Color me Janette"

Here is sketch #402:
and here is my card

Isn't she gorgeous? I wish my hair looked like that.
Once upon a time (pre-kids) it did - but not now LOL.
Nonetheless I like to imagine this is my beautiful self
as it so fits my love of coloring with my copics!! 

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenge:
The Alphabet Challenges - A is for Anything Pink
Creative Moments Challenge #88 - anything goes
Creative Fingers Challenge Blog -  #104 Anything Goes

Will you be joining us this week with your own lovely
creation?  I sure hope so!  
Thanks so much for stopping in to visit me today! 
Hugs! D


  1. Another fab design and great sentiment, Danielle.

    Thanx for playing along with our 'Anything Pink' theme at the Alphabet Challenge.

    Hugz, Jan (DT) xx

  2. What a sweet card!! Thanks so much for participating in our ALPHABET challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!