
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kraftin' Kimmie Challenges - Wonderful Wednesday Anything Goes

Happy Wednesday sweet friends and followers!
Pat yourself on the back because you have now
made it to mid work week and are now on the 
down hill slide to the weekend - whoo hoo!  

It's time for another Wonderful Wednesday
The theme on Wonderful Wednesday is 
ALWAYS Anything Goes (except release week).

 I'm playing with one of my favorite NEW
stamp sets that was just released this weekend 
called Harvest Blessings (by artist Becky Pearce)
Such a fun and adorable set! 
I LOVE anything to do with pumpkins -
the color, the shape, the way they symbolize
fall and Thanksgiving. Oh and of course
pumpkin beer, bread, pie, muffins, lattes... :o) 

I'm really trying to take better photos.  It always seems as if
something is off a bit though.  If it's not the lighting, it's the 
angle or in this case the camera focused on the wrong part
of the card and the main image isn't as crisp as I would have 
liked.  Oh well, by the time I got home and discovered it 
wasn't perfect it was too dark out to try another photo.
So...I'm embracing this as it is.  And I hope you like it! 

My design comes from the great sketch at 
MOJO Monday #461 which I varied just a bit

I'm also entering the following challenges:
613 Avenue Create #188 - anything goes
Craft Your Passion Challenges #325 - Always Anything Goes

I hope you will join us this week!
We want EVERYONE to be able to play along so your 
submission can use ANY stamp and can be any theme, 
any style, any design and it can be a card, a scrapbook page, 
an altered name it! It must be a NEW creation 
and you can enter until August 23rd at midnight! 
 At the end of the month one random winner will be 
chosen from all the submissions for the whole month 
and will receive a $20 Gift Card to the shop!!! 
 What do you think.....wanna WIN?? Let's see your krafty stuff!!

Thanks so much for stopping in to visit me today!
Til next time...hugs and happy kraftin'! D


  1. Gorgeous fall card! I love the design and all of the layers. Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion. We would love to see you again!
    ~ Bonnie DT

  2. super cute! I am so glad you played along with the
    mojo monday sketch!

    blog-paperie blooms

    sparkle & shine, kindness *~*

  3. What a gorgeous autumn look Danielle and I love the cute kitty peeping out from the pumpkins. Great use of the background papers too!
    Thanks for sharing with us at ATSM and I hope you will join us again soon.
    Carol x

  4. Very pretty, Danielle. Love the colors and layers. Happy to see you in the ATSM gallery. All the very best. Nandini DT

  5. What a nice Fall card. Love the cute image. Thank you for linking with us this month at 613 Avenue Create. Have a blessed weekend!

    JO ANN


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!