
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kraftin' Kimmie Challenges #347 - CAS {Love you to the moon and bat}

Hello krafty peeps!
Time just keeps right on marching by and 
here it is the first weekend of September!

We have a great challenge for you this week
The theme is CAS (Clean and Simple).

I'm playing with the NEW stamp set 
from last month called TOTALLY WITCHIN'
which has this adorable little bat and sentiment

A pink bat you might ask?'s my 
favorite color and I thought it might be fun 
to use it in a way that doesn't say halloween :o)

Clean and Simple cards are not easy for me.
CAS designs usually don't have much for layers
layers or embellishments.  But since I just can't seem
to not have layers, I kept the lines of the layers
clean and was very scrimpy on the embellishments
(these swooshes were pulled out of my stash).  
Still lots of white space which is a CAS trait.
I think I did ok - do you? 

You can see some other awesome examples of 
CAS designs from the krafty girls.  Just
click HERE to go to the main blog and
then you can click on their photos to see.  
Thanks so much for stopping in to visit me today!
Hugs! D


  1. Hi Danielle, what a great card and your image choice is just so cute. I love it. Thanks for joining us over at the Fussy and Fancy Challenge ...Jo. X

  2. That little pink bat is so cute and the black bling looks great as well, great card.Thanks so much for sharing your creation at
    Anything goes September link-up, Just keep on creating
    Susan xx

  3. My CAS-loving heart is swooning over your sweet pink (love it!) bat and swirls card! Thrilled to see you in the ATSM gallery!

  4. I love the pun-ny sentiment, Danielle, and a bright pink for a bat almost makes him cute. ;) Thanks for sharing your card at ATSM.

  5. such a fun card :) Thank you for playing along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!!


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!