
Friday, June 21, 2013

Sequins and Pearls - 52CCT Embellishment Challenge #18

Hello dear friends and followers! Time for another great challenge at 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown (52CCT).  Good gracious where has this past week gone?  We had such fun last week viewing your amazing ornament Christmas cards and this week we are looking forward to being wowed by your creations for the next challenge - 52CCT - Embellishment Challenge #18.  Are you ready for this?  This week at 52CCT we want to see your Christmas cards using sequins and/or pearls.
This photo evokes very pleasant memories for me.  Every year my Grandma would order one of these ornament kits for my two sisters and me.  We would take turns adding the pearls and sequins and fancy stick pins to create our own lovely ornament to hang on the Christmas tree.  I still have one of them that I put out each year that looks similar to the one in the photo (except its green).  

I was a bit panicked at first that I wouldn't have any sequins to use on my card - and I really wanted to use both (although I didn't have to).  So I dug through my stash drawer and lo and behold I found two small packages of sequins (not sure what I even bought them for but was sure glad to find them) so I set to work making my very first easel card.  Take a look...
I had a bit of trouble getting the sequins on this card - those darn little things get very staticy and want to stick to your fingers :o) but I managed to get them on (maybe not perfectly straight or even - but glued on).  I used my Big Shot and the large scalloped circle die to make the base and front panel - leaving just a wee bit of space at the top of the folded cardstock as I ran it through the machine so that the pieces would stay together.  I had never done this before so I googled it and found a great example on the Splitcoast Stampers site (thanks for that).  Wasn't nearly as challenging as I thought it would be and I can't wait to make another.

So enough about me. The rest of the lovely ladies on the DT for 52CCT have made some really wonderful Christmas cards to share with you this week as well using Challenge #18.   What will you make this week for our Embellishment challenge this week using sequins and/or pearls?  I can't wait to come visit you and see!  Til next time... hugs and happy crafting! D  


  1. Hi Danielle. Such a pretty snowflake make from pearls and sequins ... very creative! Loll xx

  2. Danielle, this is AMAZING! The sequins give such an elegant feel and I adore the use of the snowflake motif! GORGEOUS creation! :)

  3. PS: This is your FIRST easel card?! Wow...seriously nailed it!

  4. I love easel cards, I love shaped cards and I love snowflakes - guess what? I LOVE your card Danielle! You have made a gorgeous creation - what an amazing first easel card, kudos to you my friend! The iridescent sequins are so pretty and perfect to add to a snowflake!
    Hope you're having a great weekend! {{{{hugs}}}} Ruth x

  5. Your card is beautiful I love what you have done with the sequins, it must have taken you a long time to glue all those in place but they do look so effective x

  6. Gorgeous card, Danielle!!! It is so elegant looking! You really did an awesome job! :)

  7. I bet your card really shimmers in real life! I love the big snowflake. You did an excellent job on your first easel card!

  8. I love the shine and shimmer on your pretty sequin and pearl snowflake. The colours are absolutely perfect. I would never have guessed this is your first easal card - looks super.

  9. Oh, what a gorgeous snowflake! Great, how you've embellished it with those pearls and sequins! That looks terrific! A very successful first!
    Rosi x

  10. I love it that you shared that lovely memory Danielle! Your card is very pretty - what a great idea to trace the shape of the snowflake with the sequins and pearls. Vicky x


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!