
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow...Lots of Laundry, Cleaning & a little bit of Crafting

Hello friends - the title of today's post about sums up my weekend.  Woke up Saturday morning to quite a bit of snow and it came down off and on all day.  I took advantage of the chilly weather to stay inside and clean my house and craft room as well as get a boatload of laundry done (I won't embarrass myself by telling you  just how many loads I had to do).  With all the hours I've been working lately my house and laundry have become seriously neglected.  Darling husband tries to help out - but let's just say that his standards are not quite the same as mine and he didn't do any of my work laundry or delicates :o).

Today more snow and cold so I picked up and organized my craft room and made a couple cards to share with you today. I'm also trying to finish up my valentine's so maybe I'll be back a couple times today with more to share - crossing my fingers :o)

Card #1: I started this card about a week ago but finally got around to finishing it.
No particular person in mind yet for this card - just for my stash.  Finished card size is 5 1/2" square.  
 Here it is - hope you like it!
I'm entering this card in the following challenges:
The Alphabet Challenge - Z for zesty colours. 
They want to see orange, lime and lemon colors. 
 Orange is one of my favorite "happy" colors, so I couldn't resist.  

My Time to Craft Challenge #234 - Buttons & Bows (use at least 3 buttons and a bow)

and Papertake Weekly Challenge - Anything Goes (optional shaped card).

Card #2: While I was cleaning out my craft room I came across a big stack of magazine pages that I had torn out of card and scrapbooking magazines with photos of layouts or cards I really liked.  
This is a direct and unabashed CASE of a card shown in an advertisement for Doodlebug Designs on the back page of the Feb 2011 Creating Keepsakes magazine. 
My flowers are different shaped and I used a different sentiment to make it my own. 
Really love how this one turned out. Take a look:
Can you see why I saved this?  Just way too sweet and a great way to use up a stash of buttons.  It says "thinking of you" but I think I'll use it for a valentine card since the colors are just perfect for that.  Might be fun to try with hearts and buttons instead of flowers. Hmmm... might have to see if I can try that next. 

I'm entering Card #2 in Sweet Stampin' Challenge "Sentiments Only" 

That's it for now. Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me today. Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D



  1. Great cards Danielle! Thanks for joining Papertake Weekly :)

  2. Both of these cards are gorgeous, love the image of the first one and the zesty colours, then the clean and simple style of the second.
    Thanks for sharing with us this week at My Time To Craft.
    Kim xXx

  3. Your cards are very pretty. The one you did for the Sweet Stampin challenge is very creative with all the buttons and great sentiment. Thank you for participating this week!

  4. Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Stampin'


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!