
Saturday, August 23, 2014

MTTC #256 - Food and/or Drink

Hello fellow crafty friends - hope each and every one of you are doing well.
It's been a crazy couple weeks for me with little time to craft.
(I hate it when that happens -lol).
I'm now 5 weeks into wearing the splint on my thumb.
I've learned to adapt with so many things but still
can't fully craft the way I'd like to.
The good news is that I'm only have about a week to go.
I can't wait!

So... It's time for another challenge at My Time to Craft - whoot whoo!
This fortnight's challenge is to show food and/or drink on your creation.
Here's my card to share with you:

I was really scratching my head on this one, but then remembered that
I had this darling mushroom already cut out and on my
craft desk from a previous project. Whew!

Now there are some (like my darling daughter) 
who would say that mushrooms don't qualify as food 
(She hates them!). However, I would wholeheartedly disagree.
I must admit though that I've never seen one so cute - hehehe.
I hope that you will decide to join us this time for
MTTC #256.  My lovely DT pals have made some
delicious creations for your inspiration as we'll. 
please go visit them and say "hi".
Til next time friends...hugs and happy crafting.


  1. Hehehe.. love the little mushy D. Hope the thumb has healed :)

  2. Hi, Danielle! I love your CAS card, the sentiment is in such a lovely font, and the little mushroom is adorable!!

    love Mags B x

  3. Cute mushroom hun, great card love it!
    Here's to you splint coming off
    hugs Shell xx

  4. Ohhh I love mushrooms they are so definitely one of my fav foods although this wee fellow is way to cute to eat!!! Hope your thumb is better soon, Love Hazel (Didos) xx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!