
Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Time to Craft #285 - Easter Animals

Hello again friends - thanks for stopping in to visit me!
Saturdays are busy days on my blog w/3 different DT posts (lucky me). 
If you are looking for my Sketch Saturday post - click here.
But...if  you are here to see my card for the newest challenge
at MY TIME TO CRAFT then you are in the right place :o)

This week at MTTC #285 the challenge theme is Easter Animals
and here is my creation to inspire you to play along with us:

I can't believe that Easter is right around the corner 
seems way too early to me this year.  I don't usually send 
a lot of Easter cards....but more than one so I better get with it!
I pulled out my stash of Easter papers and went to 
town coloring this fun image by Bugaboo Digis.

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

The Corrosive Challenge Blog - #220 Our Animal Friends
Creative Card Crew #83 - Easter Critters

I hope that you will decide to join us this week at MTTC!
The rest of the talented team has some awesome creations to
share with and inspire you as well - so please go visit them too.
Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. Now, this is a cute Easter card! I love the bright colors! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  2. Lovely Easter card Danielle, great image and beautiful bright colours.

    Pat xx

  3. Love how you colored the image, such a fab vibrant Easter design!

  4. Love this D, so bold and bright! :)

  5. Adorable - the image, colors - love it all!

  6. Fantastic creation hun, love the bright colours!
    Hugs Shell xx


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!