
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sketch Saturday #356 {Life is Good}

Hello and happy weekend everyone!!
I'm really looking forward to the next couple of days!
We are going to my favorite local restaurant
to celebrate our April birthdays. My mouth is already
watering just thinking about it - yummy!
Isn't it nice to be treated to dinner and have someone
else do the cooking and cleaning??

So it's time for another awesome sketch
at Sketch Saturday!

Back with us this week is our amazing sponsor... 

Last week you rocked the house - let's see if you like this one as much:

Feel free to rotate the sketch or substitute the shapes -
just keep it recognizable please. It is after all what we are about.

I flipped the sketch up on it's end for my DT card this week

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
Crafty Catz Challenge #274: 2 or More Patterned Papers
Cards in Envy - Child's Play Challenge
House of Cards - April Challenge Week #1 Add a Butterfly

Thanks so much for stopping in to visit me today!
The rest of my lovely teammates at Sketch Saturday
have some wonderful creations to share with you too.
I hope that you will go visit them and then decide to join
us this week for Sketch Saturday #356.
Til next time...hugs and happy crafting! D


  1. What a fun take on the sketch, Danielle. Love the cheery colors and your paper choice!!

  2. Hi Danielle - love your cute card! April x

  3. So cute, love it. Thank you so much for joining us at Crafty Catz Challenge.
    Naz xxx

  4. Hi Danielle,

    Wow, this brings back memories of me as a kid. haha! I wouldn't be doing that NOW I think... but your darling graphic makes me remember what it was like. Your gentle bright backup of fun DP etc makes this card one which will be sure to be displayed for a long time!

  5. Love cute papers and image Danielle. A happy card for sure.

  6. LOVE this, Danielle! That image is just super fun, and I adore the butterfly paper and embellies! TOO cute! Thanks for joining us at House of Cards! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  7. Oh Danielle I love your coloring this cute Image love love love its soo sweet and I love your dp with butterfly and that tiny butterfly punched too I have to learn how to coloring from you Danielle...this is adorable card
    Many thanks for joining us at House of Cards this month,
    Monika (DT Member) and Teammate at BUGABOO GDT :-)
    See you soon maybe on my Blog sweety


Thanks for taking time to leave me a comment. It makes my day happier! Hugs!