
Friday, December 18, 2015

Sketch Saturday #392

Happy Saturday friends and followers!
It's time for another Sketch Saturday 
and this time the challenge will run for 
two weeks to give everyone plenty of time
to enjoy the festivities of the Christmas holidays
AND still play along with the challenge.

Our sponsor this week is 

Here's Sketch #392

I made my card an A2 size (instead of square) and flipped the 
orientation of the sketch - take a look :o)
Meowy Christmas by Bugaboo Stamps

I have some last minute shopping to do tomorrow and
absolutely MUST address my cards and get to the post
office.  Not sure why everything has fallen to the last minute
this year but it has so I shall deal with it :o)

I  hope that each and every one of you have the most
blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you in 2016! Hugs D

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