
Friday, August 12, 2016

Crazy4Challenges C4C349 "Back to School Time"

Howdy and thanks for stopping in to visit me!
There's another new challenge starting today at
and the theme for C4C349 is "Back to School".

We'd like to see you make a treat for a kid going 
back to school, or a gift for a teacher or anything 
back to school related for this challenge.

I made a scrapbook page layout of my daughter who
is not looking forward to her summer ending and
lots of homework again.  She is, however, excited to be
a Junior this year and being that much closer to being done
with high school and on her way to college.
I imagine teachers aren't exactly looking ready to
the end of this month either - lol! I know lots of parents
though that are quite excited :o) :o) :o)

I've had this paper in my stash forever.  I think I bought it 
a while before my son graduated in 2012. In fact everything
on this page is from my old stash - except for the photo. 
It's kind of bittersweet to have made this layout.  
I'm so excited for her as she enters this new year of 
school and gets closer to heading for college. But also so NOT 
ready to realize that soon I'm going to have to let her go.  
I will cherish each of these next two years.  

What will you share us this week?  I can't wait to see!
There are some amazing creations by the C4C DT
and Alexis Crossland-Smith (a fellow guest DT) this week too. 
Go to the main blog and see - then go visit and say "hi"
won't you?  We love to hear from you! 

I'd like to enter this in the following challenge as well:

Happy weekend to each and every one of you! 
Hugs! D

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